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Brannawen & Harpersson In Chanting
When you hear chants, you know you are listening to sacred music. Chants build energy. Chants heal souls.
Chants invite Magick to us. IN CHANTING – Beth Trimble(Brannawen Ravenhart)
Harpersson Kirk McWhorter (2015) In Chanting started as a project to teach different chants in different ways to many people. Some people like traditional music, others like a bit of rock guitar, and some love a lilting Renaissance flair. We kept all of you in mind. Through the course of creating arrangements and the enthusiastic responses the project evolved into this CD. Please use the music as examples of how to add harmonies, rounds, and different instruments, ancient and new to the music. The music will take on its own life, and when we hear the music living in our heads, we all sing out like rock stars. In chanting, we
all have a voice. For meditation, dance, solitary use or group ritual, please find what you like and use the recordings or expand on them in your own unique ways.
It’s all good. My deepest gratitude to Kirk, whose amazing arrangements,
patience, direction and artistry brought
this all to life. Songs and Authors Sacred Space - Abigail Spinner McBride Air Moves Us -
Cathleen Shell, Cybele, Moonsea, Prune Moonlight Queen - Beth Trimble (Brannawen
Ravenhart) Ancient Goddess (Maiden, Mother & Crone) -
Abigail Spinner McBride
Earth My Body
– composer unknown Raise Our Hands
- Beth Trimble (Brannawen Ravenhart) Return - traditional (Native American?) Circle Fire Dance - composer unknown Cauldron of Changes/ We Are The Old People
-Morning Feather, Will Shepardson Burn Fire - Nicholas Sea (Skye Ranger Rick) We All Come
From The Goddess - Z. Budapest Hoof and Horn - Ian Corrigan (Rev. Jeffery
Wyndham) Seven Goddess Chant - Deena Metzger,
Caitlin Mullin Full Moonlight
Dance - Karen Beth Singing in the
Circle - Abigail Spinner McBride Kore' Chant - Starhawk
By The Samhain
Fire - Beth Trimble (Brannawen Ravenhart)
We Will Meet Again (as
ritual chant) -
Breid Foxsong
We Will Meet Again (as
memorial chant) -
Breid Foxsong Merry Meet (Circle Be Open) – variation by
Starhawk Recorded at West Highland Studio Mixed and Produced by Kirk McWhorter /
McWhorter Records and Publishing All music and arrangements by Kirk McWhorter with Beth
Trimble (occasionally chiming in with ideas) Heartfelt thanks to Paul Runfola - electric guitar (“Moonlight Queen”), Jon Carlson - acoustic guitar (“By The Samhain Fire”), Dan Lelito - backing vocals (“Ancient Goddess”) and The West Highland Gang (Devon Smatana, Trish McWhorter, Chris Beyer,
Jeff Kraatz, Leona Ottaviani, Kelly Ottaviani) for group vocals.
In the course of making this I met and talked to so many amazing people whose help, direction and insights had a profound impact on the final production. You know who you are, and now I do too.
Brightest blessings.
Purchase physical CD $15.00 (plus S/H) or
Copyright ©2004- 2024 Penny Whiskey,
Three Parts Whiskey, Kirk McWhorter. All rights reserved.